About Me

At the age of 18 I left home and served 20 years in the United States Air Force, retiring honorably from miltary service. I currently reside in Europe. A very special thanks to P.J. who continues to inspire me


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Monday, August 13, 2007

Windows Vista and SP1

No doubt many of you have seen Microsoft Vista SP1 (evaluation version) floating around the web. I suppose Microsoft will eventually try to get rid of these but I think they should hold off. With so many people installing this just to get a feel of SP1 it could be quite beneficial in a way.

1. Most of those people installing this already have Vista and they want to see if there is any improvement over the existing version.

2. Some people want to test stability of SP1 for themselves. For all intensive purposes I can tell you quite honestly that it is super stable. Of course I have friends who are beta testers, so I've seen this for myself.

3. It might give Microsoft an overall analysis of just how many people are interested in SP1. I think they will find more interest than they realize. With such a super smooth pre-beta release that seems to have a faultless install there is really NO reason NOT to have this ready by Christmas, so that OEMs can entice more customers to buy PCs for the holiday season.

4. Kudos to the Microsoft Vista team that developed this DVD pre-beta SP1 build. The Microsoft Vista development team has really pushed themselves into a whole new quality bracket. Congrats!

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