About Me

At the age of 18 I left home and served 20 years in the United States Air Force, retiring honorably from miltary service. I currently reside in Europe. A very special thanks to P.J. who continues to inspire me


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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Did NVIDIA shoot themselves in the foot?

I am a staunch supporter of NVIDIA, and have been for many years. With the arrival of the 8800 GT NVIDIA has presented us with an outstanding product at a price point most people can afford. It's unfortunately that some retailers decided to sell these video cards at way beyond the M.S.R.P (manufacturer's suggested retail price). However that is not what this article is about. This article will simply ask why NVIDIA has not produced enough for these video cards for the sales channels plus OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) for the Christmas season when this is the best time to sell? Some retailers in Europe are not anticipating shipments of these video cards until January. If there are great numbers of these retailers then NVIDIA will certainly see a loss in the fiscal 4th quarter for this year. (NOTE: NVIDIA will make a lot of money this fiscal 4th quarter only they could have made significantly more with ample supply of 8800 GTs) Perhaps it should behoove NVIDIA to hack some prices out of their 8800 GTX and 8800 Ultra lineup to keep sales running briskly. NVIDIA seems like they did not prepare for such an onslaught demand of the 8800 GT video cards. A video card that performs so well and is priced superbly.

Editor's Note: On rare occasions I receive video cards for testing and evaluation but no one has any in stock for me to test. I could not find an 8800 GT EVGA video card anywhere in stock.